Anti Diabetic Drug BGR-34 recognized for efficacy in diabetes management

Herbal anti-diabetic product BGR-34 has been recognized for its safety and efficiency in long term usage at CSIR Technological Awards, 2016 organized on account of CSIR 75th Foundation Day


New Delhi: The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Technological Awards 2016 recognized the efforts, hard work and efficiency of the scientists at various CSIR laboratories. The renowned scientist namely Dr Chandra Shekhar Nautiyal, Dr A K S Rawat, Senior Principal Scientist, Former Director CSIR-NBRI, Dr Ch V Rao Principal Scientist and Dr Sanjeev Kumar Ojha Principal Scientist of National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), who jointly developed the anti-diabetic product BGR-34 were awarded for their exclusive contribution in restoring the societal health. Aimil Pharma is authorized for licensed manufacturing and marketing of the product developed. The product is made available in almost all parts of the country inclusive of rural and urban population by Aimil Pharma. The newly launched product is positioned to No. 1 rank under the category as per the data of IMS HEALTH 2016.

Speaking at the occasion, Mr Narendra Modi said, “India needs to create an ease of doing technology business, a platform to bring in right stakeholders so that the technologies reach the intended beneficiaries. Recently, CSIR has developed the first ayurvedic medicine of the country for diabetic patients. All of you are aware about the potential of this medicine. Now our goal should be to make people aware of the benefits of this medicine, so that they can make best use of the same.”

After receiving the award, Dr A K S Rawat, Senior Principal Scientist CSIR NBRI said, “Our scientifically validated herbal formulation BGR-34 based on ayurvedic concept not only work effectively for pre-diabetic patients specially in maintaining Blood Glucose level, but also, have added properties of antioxidant and immunity enhancing, which provide patients better lifestyle. The formulations have multi targets action as one of the important ingredient Berteris works as DPP4 inhibitor, thus helping in increasing insulin secretion.

Elated Dr. Ch. V Rao Principal Scientist, Former Director CSIR-NBRI said, “BGR-34 is designed based on the classical texts of Indian wisdom ayurveda. The constituents of the product are chosen and pharmaceutically made compatible to make suitable dosage form. The product has been made available for society after passing vigorous tests in pharmacology and pharmacy laboratory. The product is safe and effective in experimental studies. It takes care of the vital organs in diabetes and diabetic complications associated through various mechanisms in the biological system pathways in enhancing the secretion on insulin. The product contains several critical constituents and has made huge acceptance as wonder drug in diabetes.”

Adding to other scientists, who jointly developed BGR-34, Dr Dayanandan Mani CIMAP said, “The beauty of formulation [NBRMAP-DB / BGR-34] management of Blood Glucose Label and preventive management of the Blood Glucose complication [as per Ayurveda RASAYNA therapy for Madhumeha] the developed formulation provides a novel synergistic effect. The ingredients also have a nutritional nature of Rasayana.”

Mr K K Sharma, Managing director of AIMIL Pharmaceuticals, said “Recognition of BGR-34’s efficacy has come at right time. Within a year of its launch, patients and doctors across the country have observed the results of this herbal medicine. It is a matter of immense pleasure for us to be associated with CSIR and its product BGR-34 for passing on its benefits to the patients. We ensure that BGR-34 reaches to all diabetics across the country and abroad through our strong distribution services.”

Dignitaries from the field of science and technology and Director Scientists of different laboratories graced the occasion by their presence. Mr Narendra Modi, motivated the scientific council recognizing their efforts and imprinted further advancement to grab the outstanding opportunity globally.