Tag: Anil Koul
Obituary: Dr Girish Sahni, Ex CSIR Director General & IMTECH Director...
Dr Sahni’s contributions in the area of protein cardiovascular drugs especially ‘clot busters’ and their mode of action in the human body have been immense
Ex CSIR-IMTECH Director awarded with the prestigious ‘Heroes of Chemistry Award’
Leading scientist and former CSIR scientist Dr Anil Koul has been recently awarded this year’s American Chemical Society’s ‘Heroes of Chemistry Award’ for discovery of Bedaquiline along with 2 of his colleagues, Dr Koen Andries and Dr Jerome Guillemont............
“IMTECH’s translational science agenda holds a big promise”
Read the exclusive freewheeling interview with Dr Anil Koul, Director, CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology-Chandigarh, where he shares his long term vision for the premier institute besides his insights on the required ingredients for the Indian innovation system. A Must Read......................