Tag: Festival
Delhi to host People’s Festival of Innovations 2024 from 25-29th November
The event will witness participation by about 50 grassroot deeptech startups
2nd edition of Peoples’ Festival of Innovations 2023 to begin on...
The festival is conceived primarily as a platform for fostering high-impact engagements, where innovators will meet not only experts but also the public creating wider awareness
Students’ innovation festival to buoy up novel ideas in science &...
A total of 3392 entries have been received out of these 792 entries were shortlisted for further screening to select 100 innovations for physical presentation at Bhopal during 22nd and 23rd January 2023
TIGS hosts an expert panel discussion on ‘Modern Biology’ during India...
Experts share their thoughts on ‘Selected Advances in Modern Biology’........................
Outreach programme for promotion of IISF 2019 organized at IMTECH
In what is being termed as the biggest conglomeration of scientists, students, researchers and entrepreneurs, IISF 2019 is expected to have more than 12,000 participants from India and abroad who will be participating in more than two dozen scientific and frugal innovation related events.....................
Karnataka Ophthalmic Society honours Practo for its contribution in digital healthcare
The honour is in recognition of services rendered to the field of ophthalmology by both clinicians and the industry. The award was bestowed at iBeach Film Festival, a first-of-its-kind in India and witnessed a gathering of 300-400 doctors & medical faculty.............
Indian students to attempt world record by isolating 500 DNAs at...
The fourth edition of India International Science Festival will be inaugurated by President of India in Lucknow on October 6, 2018...…….
HMD displays Cathy Safety IV Cannula in festival of innovation at...
The Cathy safety IV cannula is designed to minimise risks associated with needle stick injuries and needs to be made obligatory in hospitals...
India International Science Festival 2016 inaugurated in New Delhi
IISF-2016 is being held at CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (NPL) Campus, New Delhi during 7-11 December, 2016