Tag: mosquitoes
TiE Delhi-NCR partners Prayatna to organize Malaria Hackfest
Hackfest invites top tech schools in India to provide targeted solutions to fight Malaria; Awards up to INR 5 lakhs up for grabs
Immunization a key prevention strategy to mitigate Japanese Encephalitis: Experts
Japanese encephalitis (JE), a vector-borne disease - spread by infected mosquitoes - results in a viral brain infection and can lead to non-repairable neuron damage if severe or left untreated. Across India, 1,500 to 4,000 cases are reported annually.
New mosquito repelling molecule identified
A team of researchers at National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune, has synthesized several molecules from two aromatic compounds and they claim these may show insecticidal and repellent property against mosquitoes too...........................