Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Tag: Tobacco

Tobacco epidemic grips Indian youth: KPMG report

KPMG Report Exposes Consumption of Tobacco among 49% of Young Adults, Calls for Collaborative Tobacco Control Measures

RGCON 2024: Experts bet big on AI as the Head &...

With Head and Neck Cancer cases accounting for 30% in India, leading experts have called for urgent need to address tobacco consumption among vulnerable populations

New research offers first look into online E-Cigarette marketing in India,...

Of all three countries, India had the lowest volume of observed e-cigarette marketing

New report uncovers hidden tobacco marketing on social media

Over 2,000 tobacco marketing instances observed in the first quarter, Vital Strategies reports

Vital Strategies releases public education resources to accelerate govt’s END TB...

On World TB Day, Vital Strategies has released two new communication resources to support the Government of India’s effort to END TB once and for all.........................

A new way forward for treatment of tonsil cancer

A study on the whole genome methylation profile for tonsil cancer was recently undertaken on a subset of the northeast India population. The findings are expected to significantly improve upon the understanding of the disease....................

Nearly 80% of the surveyed doctors in India incorrectly believe nicotine...

A key finding of the study is that nearly 80% of the 619 healthcare practitioners surveyed from around the country incorrectly believe that it is the nicotine in tobacco products that causes cancer........................

Is Snus a reduced-risk alternative for public health?

There is a need to innovate in tobacco harm reduction through reduced-risk products like Snus, argues Nilesh Jain, Director of Harm Reduction Research and Innovation Center......................

Large graphical health warnings on tobacco packets more effective: study

A new study has shown that large health warnings on tobacco packets with plain packaging can be highly effective in conveying ill effects of tobacco to people...................

Experts disagree with ICMR recommendations on ENDS

Over 62 specialists in nicotine, science, policy, and medicine urge Indian Council for Medical Research to reconsider its recommendations on Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems...................