Thursday, March 13, 2025
wellness India Expo
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A unique project to strengthen respiratory support for newborns in Assam

InnAccel Technologies, C-CAMP, and USAID’s SAMRIDH Initiative Convene to Strengthen Respiratory Support for Newborns in Assam with Lifesaving Technology

Digitalization has democratized healthcare: Experts at BioVoice News e-Conference

Prominent digital healthcare stakeholders shared their valuable insights at the e- Conference on "India’s roadmap to Digital Healthcare: Challenges & Opportunities" organized by the BioVoice News on April 30, 2022

USAID supports with Rs. 2.45 crore fund to scale AI...

The financial assistance will help expand its artificial intelligence solution to screen for lung diseases across 15 states in India

Johnson & Johnson India launches ‘Be The Change For TB’ initiative

Corporate TB Pledge is a joint initiative between Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and USAID. #BeTheChangeForTB is a public awareness initiative under the Corporate TB Pledge and aims to create a cadre of Youth Changemakers

NITI Aayog & USAID collaborate to accelerate health innovation & entrepreneurship...

Atal Innovation Mission and SAMRIDH Healthcare blended finance facility announce joint partnership and issue a call for proposals

World Health Day: Top organizations form a new alliance for comprehensive...

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) spearheaded the Alliance as part of its long-standing work to enhance comprehensive primary health care (CPHC) in India.....................

Digital Green’s USAID-funded ‘Project Samvad’ makes massive rural public health outreach

Digital technology for rural communities boosts family planning, maternal and child health and nutrition outcomes across six states in India, Digital Green’s USAID-funded Project Samvad reaches over 500,000 rural women directly and 1.9 million indirectly through videos, radio and interactive voice responses....................

4th Partners’ Forum emphasizes on multi-sectoral partnerships for child health

The event aimed at generating greater political momentum to end preventable child deaths, promote multi-sectoral partnerships to improve child health and create a platform for knowledge exchange between different actors and countries...…………..

Challenging innovators to think out of box!

In a bid to create novel innovations having societal value cutting across verticals within the bioscience sector, the challenges are being thrown up towards potential innovators under one of its first kind of mega initiatives in India...................

After Polio, Rotary Districts pledge support to make India TB-Free

Rotary wants to bring the same energy and commitment to take on another big health challenge and help the Indian government take an aggressive step towards the elimination of TB in our country by 2025.........