Tag: Biomoneta
C-CAMP startup Biomoneta’s air decontamination tech demonstrates 99.9999% efficiency against COVID-19
The technology is also proven to be effective against pathogens notorious for causing secondary infections in hospitals, including bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, fungi such as Candida, and viruses such as H1N1 which cause influenza....................
C-CAMP, Applied Materials & Biomoneta collaborate for innovative anti-infection biotechnology
The solution uses Biomoneta’s innovative Zebox technology that has revolutionized the concept of air filtration and purification in infection-prone settings such as Intensive Care Units (ICUs)....................
COVID-19: Applied Materials India lends funding support to two C-CAMP incubated...
From a list of 31 aspirants, two biotech start-ups have been chosen to receive technical & financial assistance from C-CAMP and Applied Materials India to increase the availability of indigenous medical supplies during COVID-19 outbreak..................
C-CAMP incubated startup, Biomoneta’s air decontaminant technology attracts funding
C-CAMP & Japanese VC Beyond Next Ventures joint innovation hub - CBIH kicks off its funding cycle in India by investing in Biomoneta, a Bengaluru-based biotech startup.....................