Tag: Genetic Test
Nucleome Informatics unveils DrSeq IRD panel for advanced diagnosis of retinal...
New genetic test set to transform early detection and treatment of Inherited Retinal Diseases with comprehensive analysis
MedGenome Labs makes strides in rare disease diagnosis with launch of...
The company is first commercial lab to offer this new genetic test that will help individuals with FSHD1 to get an early and accurate diagnosis
BioVoice eMag April 2017 Issue-11 Volume-1
BioVoice eMag April 2017 Issue-11 Volume-1:
The ‘April 2017’ issue of BioVoice eMagazine includes the COVER STORY on Biorevolution 2.0: India’s quest to become a biotech...
Faulty gene identified as the cause of obesity in world’s heaviest...
Genetic tests conducted at CORE Diagnostics have found mutation in LEPR Gene of the 36-year-old Egyptian being tested at Gurgaon-based clinical laboratory for monogenic obesity........