Saturday, February 8, 2025
wellness India Expo
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Tag: Pollution

Air pollution biggest contributor to lung diseases, say experts at ASSOCHAM’s...

Diabetes, sleep apnea other diseases that have a co-relation with rising levels of air pollution

FDI & NatWest Group India partner to support farmers in Haryana...

Aimed at assisting farmers in adopting environment friendly alternatives to stubble burning using a successful project model, it will lead to improved soil health and reduced air pollution levels

Health experts discuss lung health measures as India continues to have...

The webinar, which is a part of the Illness to Wellness initiative, highlighted about what are the health effects of air pollution & smog

Special Startup Series: Environment friendly sanitary napkin disposal technology

Besides addressing the unhygienic disposal of sanitary napkins through its novel approach, Pune based Padcare Labs is also focusing on quality and affordability......................

Workshop on environmental aspects of antimicrobial resistance held

The workshop was attended by academicians from the pharmaceutical and environment sector, doctors and representatives of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies from Punjab.................

Modi Govt 2.0: Environment minister launches #selfiewithsapling campaign

The Ministry of Environment and Forests has launched a people’s campaign #SelfiewithSapling urging all to join and plant a sapling and post the selfie with the sapling on social media..................

Special Startup Series: Innovating universal chemical detoxifier

Bengaluru based startup, Innovations for Next Generation is developing a unique detoxifier to clean and recycle water contaminated with highly unsafe chemicals used in the research laboratories and industries...................

Public Health Symposium organized to study disastrous effects of noise on...

Exposure to prolonged or excessive noise has been shown to cause a range of health problems ranging from stress, poor concentration, productivity losses in the workplace, and communication difficulties...………..

Pollution one of the exploding reason for increasing stroke risk...

As per the World Health Organization report, about 34 percent stroke deaths occur due to pollution...………….

IIT Roorkee Professor awarded G D Naidu Award in biomedical nanotechnology

Dr P Gopinath has developed an economical and green way to detect and kill cancer cells and a portable nanofibrous material for treating air and water pollution...………….