Friday, February 14, 2025
wellness India Expo
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Tag: Rights

Syngenta opens rights to genome-editing & breeding technologies to boost agricultural...

These rights are accessible through its innovation collaboration platform Shoots by Syngenta

Cabinet approves the Assisted Reproductive Technology Regulation Bill 2020

Path-breaking legislations aimed to create an environment of safeguards for women's reproductive rights, addressing changing social contexts and technological advances....................

Using technology to boost reproductive health & rights in India

Technology makes it easier to identify the trends and patterns and align the targets, whether it be the contents endorsing family planning or making modern methods of contraception accessible, writes Kezia Yonzon...................

Now BIRAC to provide IP support for bio-startups

The scheme, Patenting & Technology Transfer for Harnessing Innovations (PATH), launched by the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) aims at supporting bioscience startups safeguarding patients of their products......

Empowering women with a rights-based approach to family planning

A National Level Consultation between Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) and Population Foundation of India (PFI) and Members of Parliament on PPP to Increase Access to Family Planning..........