IIT Kanpur scientists uncover mechanism of joint cartilage formation
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur have reported role of two novel molecules - NFIA and GATA3 - in development of joint cartilage during embryo growth.............
Govt announces new schemes for young scientists & researchers
The schemes primarily aim at early recognition and reward to young talent in the field of science..........
New study suggests kidney disease may be linked to pesticide exposure
Organochlorine pesticides such as DDT and endosulfan are banned in many countries owing to their long persistence in the environment and adverse impacts on human health............
Govt launches VAJRA to attract foreign-based Indian scientists
The Visiting Advanced Joint Research or VAJRA scheme launched by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) is to encourage the Indian origin scientists to connect back with their roots and contribute to the growth of Indian science.........
S&T Ministry announces new scheme to attract foreign scientists
The foreign faculty members selected under the new 'VAJRA' scheme would reside in India up to three months in a year and would be provided a lump sum amount of US dollar 15,000 in the first month of residence............