Tag: University of Delhi
COVID-19: DBT backed consortium aims to to produce therapeutic antibodies
Anti-COVID Consortium backed by the Department of Biotechnology involving the public-private partnership is working to produce therapeutic antibodies against SARS-CoV-2......................
A fungus that can degrade endosulfan identified
A group of scientists at Delhi University has now identified a fungus that can help degrade residue of an insecticide that poses danger to the environment as well as human health...............
New study suggests kidney disease may be linked to pesticide exposure
Organochlorine pesticides such as DDT and endosulfan are banned in many countries owing to their long persistence in the environment and adverse impacts on human health............
Experts call inadequate protein in Indian diet a major nutritional challenge
The Delhi Chapter Indian Dietetic Association (IDA) has announced ‘The Protein Week’, supported by PFNDAI, a special initiative aimed at building awareness around the importance of protein.......
Indian scientists develop new approach to combat TB
The study holds promise as it reports the structure and properties of likely drug molecules which are effective in inhibiting the bacteria by targeting a single essential bacterial gene vis-a-vis the multi-gene approach of the present treatment regimen.....