BCIL extends deadline for feedback on revised MSc biotech syllabus

BCIL on behalf of DBT is conducting a national stakeholder assessment survey to invite views from the biosciences community on the revised masters level biotechnology course curricula


New Delhi: Over the past three decades, the biotechnology industry has emerged as a vital and dynamic source of new technologies for the pharmaceutical, agricultural and food industries. Since the human capital forms the main pillar of an innovation system, the skilled and trained manpower is an important and key component for scientific development in multidisciplinary areas of biotechnology.

Taking into cognizance the changing needs of the economy and to keep abreast with the latest developments and also to meet the needs of skilled manpower in rapidly advancing field of biotechnology, it has been felt that there is a need to revise and update the curricular guidelines for the various MSc, MTech, MSc(Agri), MVSc courses of biotechnology.

Therefore, in a giant step in that direction, the Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL), New Delhi has been undertaking a project ‘Course Curriculum Revision of Post graduate Programmes in Biotechnology’ for the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. The exercise aims at reframing the curricular guidelines for the 12 Post Graduate courses in biotechnology supported by DBT across the country.

Courses set to be revised include:

  • M.Sc (General Biotechnology)
  • M.Tech (Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering)
  • M.Tech (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology)
  • M.Sc (Agricultural Biotechnology)
  • M.V.Sc (Animal Biotechnology)
  • M.Sc (Molecular & Human Genetics)
  • M.Sc (Neurosciences)
  • M.Sc (Medical Biotechnology)
  • M.Sc (Marine Biotechnology)
  • M.Sc (Environmental Biotechnology)
  • M.Sc (Industrial Biotechnology)
  • M.Sc (Bioresource Biotechnology).

The details of the exercise can be found on the BCIL website and the detailed description of each of the curriculum can be viewed here.

feedbackThe objective of this holistic exercise would be identification of the areas in which the courses need updation through seeking views from various concerned stakeholders and developing need-based curricula in consultation with expert groups.

There are two separate feedback forms one each for academia and research institution or company. The filled in feedback form can be sent to Ms Shreya Malik, Assistant Manager, BCIL at shreya@biotech.co.in by June 15, 2016.

Employers (research institutions as well as industry) today, operate in an environment that demands contemporary, multidisciplinary and constantly evolving skills to retain global competitiveness. The DBT National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015 – 2020 too highlights the importance of human resource development and need for nurturing tailor-made human capital for scientific research and entrepreneurship.