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Tag: biosensor

Self-powered microbial fuel cell biosensor for monitoring organic freshwater pollution

Ritsumeikan University researchers designed a low-cost biosensor for assessing water quality at the input of lakes and rivers

South Korean scientists develop deep learning-based biosensing platform to count viral...

The innovative platform combines a Gires-Tournois biosensor with deep learning to achieve a high bioparticle detection accuracy even at low concentrations

Chung-Ang University researchers develop novel DNA Biosensor for early diagnosis of...

The electrochemical sensor, made of a graphitic nano-onion/molybdenum disulfide nanosheet composite, detects human papillomavirus (HPV)-16 and HPV-18, with high specificity

Novel wearable biosensor for monitoring sweat electrolytes for use in healthcare...

The device transmits measurements wirelessly and can be seamlessly applied to the outer surface of textiles

Israeli researchers develop bio-sensing technology for predicting cancer treatment response

The study's results were published late last week in the prestigious journal Science Advances

Special Startup Series: Fast-tracking healthcare accessibility

Chennai based healthtech startup, LifeSigns has developed an intelligently monitoring biosensor by merging the ideas of semiconductors and chip technology together

BioVoice eMagazine November 2022 Issue 2 Volume 3

Click to Read: BioVoice News November 2022 Issue 2 Volume 3 The Cover Story in the current edition turns its spotlight on the genetically modified mustard. Its recent...

Indian scientists develop artificial enzyme to keep HIV virus in check

Made from vanadium pentoxide nanosheets, the new “nanozymes” work by mimicking the natural enzyme called glutathione peroxidase to help reduce oxidative stress levels in the host’s cells, which is required to keep the virus in check......................

This sensor may help detect early stages of diabetes

At present, detection of diabetes in early stage is difficult as symptoms emerge only in late stages of the disease................

New biosensor promises faster kidney function test

The biosensor can accurately measure both the pH and urea concentration with a single drop of urine.............