Tag: failure
Lupin Digital Health launches first-of-its-kind digital heart failure clinic in India
This e-clinic aims to help cardiologists and caregivers manage heart failure patients effectively from the comfort of their homes
Recovered COVID-19 patients show stark increase in 20 cardiovascular problems
Those having COVID-19 had a 72% increased risk of heart failure, 63% increased risk of heart attack & 52% increased risk of stroke compared with controls
India’s first bio-bank for heart failure research inaugurated at SCTIMST
The Biobank at SCTIMST has already signed an MOU with InStem Bangalore for collaborative research in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which runs in families with thickening heart muscles..........................
A pacemaker that communicates with patient’s smartphone
Azure™ with BlueSync™ technology from Medtronic claims to improves device longevity and provides automatic, wireless remote patient monitoring..................