Friday, September 20, 2024
wellness India Expo
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APEDA inks MoU with NRDC on climate-resilient agriculture

The MoU’s mandate is to infuse and disseminate technologies jointly with APEDA in the areas of climate-resilient agriculture related to zero carbon emission farming to produce residue/carbon-free food for exports

Agra-based company bags NRDC license for manufacturing NavRakshak PPEs

The National Research Development Cooperation (NRDC) has signed a technology licensing agreement for the manufacturing know-how of a PPE suit named NavRakshak with an Agra-based apparel manufacturing entity, the Indian garment company..............

DG, CSIR launches NRDC drafted ‘Compendium of Indian Technologies’ to combat...

The Compendium carries information about 200 COVID-19-related Indian technologies, ongoing research activities, technologies available for commercialization, initiatives and efforts taken by the Government of India, categorized under 3Ts of Tracking, Testing and Treating....................

NRDC to extend its footprint to America

The agency has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) as well as Rowan University which has offered free space at its Technology Business Incubation Centre to promote Indian technology start-ups.................

“Need for greater innovation in institutes like NRDC”

The Minister for Science & Technology, Dr Harsh Vardhan mentioned this while presenting NRDC Meritorious Invention Awards at New Delhi..........

Anti diabetic drug, Ayush-82 to hit the market soon

This ayurvedic formulation for management of diabetes developed by Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences...

NRDC inks MoA with Andhra Pradesh govt to start agribusiness incubation...

The Andhra Pradesh Government and the National Research Development Corporation have entered into...

NRDC helps in setting up a unique example of PPP in...

“NEMHARI”-A Plant based Formulation for Management of Mulberry Root Knot Disease developed...

NRDC, Dabur partner to launch ayurvedic drug for malaria & diabetes

Agreement for commercialization of two Ayurvedic formulations for treatment of Malaria & Diabetes was signed between....