AIMED congratulates KIHT on its 1st anniversary

Based at Vishakapatnam in Andhra Pradesh state of India, the Kalam Institute of Health Technology has been founded a year ago to focus on key research areas pertaining to medical devices and also create a synergy between R&D institutions and the industry

KIHT team celebrate the 1st foundation day on 17th July. Dr Jitendra Kumar, Executive Director, KIHT can be seen standing on the extreme right.

New Delhi: The Association of Indian Medical Device Industry (AiMED) has congratulated the Kalam Institute of Health Technology (KIHT), the first of its kind premier institution for medical devices, on completion of its first successful year on 17th July 2018.

Appreciating the excellent progress made by KIHT in just a small span of time, Mr  Rajiv Nath, Forum Coordinator, AiMED said, “We are very happy to celebrate the first anniversary of KIHT which showed commendable progress in such a short span of time. AiMED is delighted to be on KIHT’s Governing Board of Directors.”

Mr Rajiv Nath felicitated Dr Jitendra Sharma, Executive Director, KIHT and the whole team of KIHT for their excellent accomplishments.

“KIHT is a major step towards making India a Global Manufacturing Hub for medical device sector and to build a robust system for innovation in the medical devices sector in the country.” Said Mr Nath.

Conceived as a research facilitation institution by the former Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India , KIHT was born one year ago with a mandate from the Department of Bio-Technology to act the nodal institution of the country for facilitating focused research on critical components pertaining to medical devices with support from various stakeholder institutions.

In its first year, KIHT launched first ever e-Auction for medical technologies, 22 technologies identified for technology transfer of intellectual property and prototypes, bringing strategic and coherent synergy of scientific facilities and research institutions with industrial promotion and signed MoU with 12 institutions for technology collaboration and bringing vibrancy into the medical devices fraternity.

The KIHT also launched a pioneer initiative named NIPUN Certificate which is a non-regulatory Innovation Potential Utility and novelty certificate to help developers and startups to act as a single point window for all non-regulatory requirements of the medical technology sector and provide a simplified approach to the process of the commercialisation of a product.

The KIHT was also declared as the regional hub for conducting Health Technology Assessment (HTA) for Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Conducting periodic training sessions and workshops on medical devices and their functionality with hands on session by experts on the actual device itself. Such level of close proximity to actual operating medical devices and in-depth learning has been unprecedented.

AiMED is also advocating for the development of more medical devices manufacturing supporting infrastructure in other zones and regions of India . “Our first focus is to create the required ecosystem and enabling policies to support medical devices manufacturing in India,” added Mr Rajiv Nath.