New Delhi: Recently on the occasion of National Farmers Day, SVKM’s NMIMS School of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SAST) organized a Scientist-Farmer Interface at Balde village, Shirpur, Taluka, Dhule district, Maharashtra.
Dr. K. V. Patil, (RAWE Co-ordinator) explained about the significance of National Farmers’ Day and role of the farming community in addressing the food and nutritional security of the country and contributing to the nation’s economy. He also briefed about the Rural Agricultural Work. Experience program which is going on in Balde and adjoining villages. He gave details about the student activities and their role as a bridge between the farmers and the scientists in the transfer of innovative techniques.
Further Dr. Mohammed Faisal (Plant Pathologist) demonstrated different Mushroom species, seed (spawn) and packing for cultivation. He shared multiple ways of processing and utilisation of mushroom products in the Indian market and also highlighted the economic benefits for the villagers. Mushroom samples were distributed to the villagers. He announced that mushroom seeds and produce were readily available at SAST, NMIMS, Shirpur Campus.
Dr. Nitin Misal (Soil Scientist) explained the importance of soil health and damage to soil health due to irrational fertilizer applications and irrigation water management practices. He also discussed the advantages of soil testing and urged farmers of the village to submit soil sample of their farm field at least once before sowing any crop.
Later on, an interactive session was held by Dr. K.V. Patil and RAWE students, where the farmers expressed their general issues and needs. They also discussed specific issues in various crops cultivated by them and with reference to pests and diseases.
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