ICGEB celebrates its 30 years of bioscience research

The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology which recently completed thirty years of its first research activity, celebrated the occasion with series of lectures by its prominent scientists

New Delhi: This year, the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) celebrates thirty years of activity dedicated to international advanced research and training in the life sciences.
The occasion was marked with a convivial celebration during ICGEB’s 22nd Annual Symposium on 20 and 21 June 2017; two intense days during which young, dedicated researchers present their projects and results to colleagues and Group Leaders.
The scientific programme included keynote speeches on 20th June by three Principal Investigators from ICGEB New Delhi, Dr Pawan Malhotra, Dr Neel Sarovan Bhavesh and Dr Dhiraj Kumar; further cementing the strong scientific and cultural ties across the ICGEB international community.
The social programme included the 5th edition of the ICGEB Fun Run, a non-competitive, open track race that takes place on the Karst surrounding the Science Park. This year, a record number of 150 participants took part in the event.
On the second day of the Symposium, the Director-General, Prof Mauro Giacca, inaugurated the ICGEB Teaching Lab, dedicated to outreach activities of the ICGEB, including school and university visits and open days for the lay public. The traditional barbecue ensued and cheerfully concluded the festivities with a cake celebrating thirty extraordinary years of activity.
The Headquarters of the ICGEB, located in Trieste (Italy), coordinate the research programmes of the three Components located in Trieste, Italy, New Delhi, India and Cape Town, South Africa, and provide the foundation upon which the ICGEB training and institutional activities are implemented.
The main research areas at ICGEB New Delhi Labs focus on mammalian and plant biology. Biomedical projects are pursued in virology (hepatitis B and E viruses, human immunodeficiency virus and SARS virus), immunology (biology of the immune response and tuberculosis), development of diagnostics and vaccine candidates for dengue viral infection, structural biology (development of synthetic antibiotics, crystal structure determination of proteins and polypeptides) and in the field of malaria both in basic research and vaccine and drug development, as well as development of technologies for biopharmaceuticals and for diagnosis of infectious diseases. In the plant biology area, research projects address the study of insect resistance and biopesticidals, abiotic and biotic plant stresses and crop improvement through biotransformation.
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