India’s top healthcare associations join hands to spread awareness on COVID-19

OPPI, IAPO, NATHEALTH, IPA and SEARPharm Forum announce a joint campaign to support Government’s initiatives of protecting people and reducing COVID-19 transmission

New Delhi: As India continues to battle the scourge of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India (OPPI) along with International Alliance Of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO), Healthcare Federation of India (NATHEALTH), The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) and SEARPharm Forum, have joined hands to support central and state government efforts to ensure dissemination of correct information about COVID-19 and encourage people to get vaccinated.
As a first step, this multi-stakeholder partnership has launched the campaign No One is Safe until Everyone is Safe, which will immediately start disseminating verified information about COVID19 and encourage people to get their vaccine doses at the earliest.
The key objective of the campaign is to increase awareness and educate citizens through factual, real-time data, to weed out miscommunication and bust numerous myths and incorrect information which are causing confusion and exposing more people to danger. While we believe that this is absolutely critical during the second wave of the pandemic, the resources developed in this period will remain relevant and valid for any impending future waves.
This collaborative campaign No one is safe until everyone is safe, focuses on 4 key areas:
  • Ensuring that every person takes responsibility to mask up (with N95 masks or double-mask in the case of cloth masks – a combination of a surgical mask inside and a cloth mask as the second layer) and restrict unnecessary travel outside the home to a minimum and as per the prescribed Government guidelines from time to time
  • Following social distancing norms and ensuring that they are not participating in any gathering
  • Following sanitization protocol regularly to ensure personal and others safety
  • Regular temperature and blood oxygen level checks and quarantining at home in case of the onset of symptoms. Consulting healthcare professionals through tele-consulting to ensure testing for COVID19, where needed and use doorstep delivery mechanism for delivery of prescribed medicines
  • Following treatment and prevention guidelines from authentic sources like the Ministry of Health and not resorting to unscientific measures
  • We need to help all especially those who do not have enough support to take care of themselves
  • This can include supporting with the correct and factual information, encouraging others to maintain the social distancing and safety norms, reducing stigma and discrimination and supporting those in-home quarantine
  • It will take collective action from all to keep everybody safe. Under the current circumstances, we have to help each other as much possible for the greater good of the society. For example, report those not following norms to the respective authorities
  • All stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem, including hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacists, should act in consonance with each other to create awareness and make relevant information available on a regular and timely basis
  • Healthcare stakeholders must ensure that there are enough life-saving materials available to prevent panic and any subsequent hoarding of essential drugs/medical items
  • Healthcare stakeholders must behave in an ethical and just manner following the highest code of business ethics
  • We support the Central and State Governments’ mission to make vaccines available to citizens who are 18 years and above
  • Vaccination doses will soon be adequately available. It is essential for everyone to take the jabs, when it’s their turn
  • All vaccines are safe and an absolute necessity to fight against the virus providing us the necessary immunity to keep ourselves and our near ones safe
This campaign will be followed by a virtual knowledge series to share high quality educative content on COVID-19 and related issues. Spanning from busting some of the often used myths related to the pandemic to covering emerging global trends, path to economic recovery and importance of industry collaborations during COVID-19 and beyond, the series aims at increasing public awareness on the pandemic and the way forward as discussed by leaders from the industry, medical community and academia. The first of the series will start on June 18 and will extend to the end of August.
The Industry associations acknowledge the considerable challenges faced by Central and State Governments to urgently address the enormous strain the pandemic is placing on healthcare systems, societies and economies. Our collective membership remains committed to sharing our knowledge with regulatory authorities, public health experts and academics to assist with evidence-based decision making.