New Delhi: Union agriculture and farmers welfare minister, Mr Radha Mohan Singh has revealed that as per the Third Advance Estimates, the food grain production in the country has increased to 273 MT in 2016-17, oil seeds to 32.5 MT, and sugarcane to 306 MT. Fruits and Vegetable production has increased to 287 MTs, according to the Second Advance Estimate. He said that there has been a record production of food grains in 2016-17 and all previous records were broken.
The agriculture minister made these remarks during the National Summit on Smart Agriculture Marketing Solutions to Double the Farmers Income organised in Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry FICCI. The representative from Rajasthan, Haryana, Assam, Goa, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Bihar also participated in the conference.
Mr Singh said that only through cross-pollination of expertise and innovations and thereafter synergy during implementation of the programs conceived we would be able to achieve the goal set for the country by Prime Minister, through his farsightedness, of doubling farmers’ income by 2022.
As per the Second Advance Estimates, the food production increased to 273 million metric tonnes and the fruits and vegetables to 287 million metric tonnes during 2016-17.