Tag: banking
Agriculture sector banking on 800 climate-resilient products to mitigate climate change’s...
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has developed more than 800 climate-resilient varieties to counter the change in climate patterns
Cord blood banking: Europe’s Famicord joins hands with India’s Cellugen
Europe’s biggest cord blood bank, Famicord Group has signed the letter of intent with Indian Cellugen group which is a pioneer in family pool banking in India.....................
Pool banking ensures effective use of umbilical cord blood stem cells:...
With a high birth rate of close to 26 million a year, India has a potential to become an epicenter of UCBT. Despite this, with less than 5000 units in the public banks, only 32 cord blood transplants have taken place in the country...……………..
Rs 11 lakh crore target for priority sector lending to agriculture...
The finance minister, Mr Arun Jaitley emphasized that the banking sector must invest in long-term assets to improve the capital formation in agriculture sector.................
CelluGen counters LifeCell’s claims of being the stem cell bank pioneer
The CelluGen Biotech while refuting claims of the LifeCell that it is the pioneer of the umbilical cord blood banking, has credited itself for redefining the technology in India...........
Stem Cell Banking: Opening the world of possibilities
The stem cell banking has got huge potential to transform the way healthcare system functions for various degenerative diseases areas, writes Dr Anju Dave Vaish.....
World Health Day: DATRI successfully facilitates over 150 blood stem cell...
DATRI, one of India’s largest blood stem cell donors’ registry, has successfully completed facilitating...