CSIR-CDRI organizes outreach program under IISF-2019

The theme for this year’s festival is RISEN India – Research, Innovation, and Science Empowering the Nation


New Delhi: India International Science Festival (IISF)-2019, an annual event organised jointly by science & technology related Ministries and Departments of the Government of India and Vijnana Bharati (Vibha), this year IISF-2019, is being held at Kolkata during November 5th – 8th 2019. This is the fifth edition since its inception in 2015.

IISF 2019 is a festival to celebrate the achievements of India’s scientific and technological advancements with students, innovators, craftsmen, farmers, scientists and technocrats from India and abroad. Thus, the theme for this year’s festival is RISEN India – Research, Innovation, and Science Empowering the Nation.

IISF is perhaps the biggest platform in the country to bring together students, researchers, innovators, artists, and the general public to celebrate India’s achievements in science and technology. IISF is also an attempt to encourage young minds towards the field of science and to promote networking of stakeholders working towards the propagation of science.

IISF 2019 expects to host a gathering of approximately 12,000 participants from India and abroad. Biswa Bangla Convention Centre and Science City in Kolkata would be the prime sites for the events at IISF 2019. Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Bose Institute and Indian Institute of Chemical Biology would besites for a few other events during the festival.

Under IISF-2019, an outreach program is being organized at CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow on 31 October 2019, in which students and teachers from various schools as well as many journalists, teachers, innovators, researchers and social workers who are working for connecting science with society will be present in the program.

The following events are being organized in this of outreach program:

  1. Open House / Day, (Laboratory overview by general public) – Demonstration of major and unique facilities of the laboratory.

  2. Demonstration of products and technologies developed by the laboratory.

  3. Students’ contact with scientists. Subsequently popular lectures related to the institute.

  4. Felicitation of local grassroots innovative researchers, students, who have made their mark at the state and nation level for this and innovative science teachers, science journalists, NGOs / personally who have contributed in popularizing  science.

  5. ‘Awareness of IISF-2019’ by documentaries, posters etc.

  6. Science model, painting and debate competition for school students.