New Delhi: The Department of Biotechnology has invited applications from colleges of all the states and union territories of India offering undergraduate education in life sciences under ‘Star College’ scheme . The scheme gives much needed boost to young scholars and faculty at under graduate level especially in semi urban areas that include far off cities and towns. The students get an opportunity to excel in their career in life sciences and biotechnology.
The criteria for participation is that the college must be among those offering top three life science undergraduate programs in the respective city based on
(i) Cut off percentage for admission to undergraduate courses in Life Sciences,
(ii) Result of undergraduate course – pass percentage, percentage of 1st division candidates and
(iii) No. of faculty with PhD Private colleges are not eligible. The last date for submission of proposals has been kept as August 05, 2015 and the proposals from remote areas have been granted 10 days of extra time which is by August 15, 2015.
The program emphasizes holistic improvement of science education at undergraduate level with special emphasis on practical training. The initiative provides support for:
(a) Improving knowledge and skills of teachers in basic Life Sciences and specialized techniques.
(b) Access to specialized infrastructure to students,
(c) Assurance of consumables, reagents and chemicals for students,
(d) Substantial hands-on experience in designing and conducting practical Biotechnologies and critical thinking,
(e) and access to knowledge banks with strong support of books and journals including e-journal facilities.
The program does not envisage initiating new UG courses in biotechnology but improving practical training in existing Life Science and allied courses like Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Mathematics, Electronics, Computer Science etc.
Proposals should clearly highlight additional practicals proposed to be introduced in existing courses by all participating departments, student projects (interdisciplinary/interdepartmental), visits to be undertaken by students to National Laboratories and industries and faculty improvement programs, etc. The colleges can also apply for addition of departments provided they have completed the first term of three years under Star College scheme.