Experts from 13 nations discuss biosafety regulations

The prominent government and non government organizations came together to discuss biotechnology, environmental risk assessment and biosafety regulation at South Asia Biosafety Conference at Hyderabad

(File Photo) Biosafety Assessment Conclave held earlier in India.

Hyderabad: Thirteen nations are participating in the South Asia Biosafety Conference (SABC) at Hyderabad, to share international experience amongst scientists and regulators in biotechnology, environmental risk assessment and biosafety regulation in South Asia. The three-day annual event that opened on September 19th and concludes today, covered wide-ranging topics being covered in biotechnology research and development apart from biosafety.

In her opening address, Additional Secretary, Environment Ministry and Chairperson, Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), Dr Amita Prasad, said that India has a robust regulatory framework for ensuring biosafety of all types of genetically engineered organisms under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. She pointed out that these regulations are supported by a series of guidelines to deal with various aspects. Dr Prasad emphasized that capacity-building and sharing of experience has to be a continuous activity to ensure effective implementation of the biosafety regulations. Such activities also help in increasing awareness and creating an environment of understanding among various stakeholders. Appreciating the research efforts in biotechnology, she commended the research institutions for their R&D initiatives towards developing newer products relevant to the national needs.

In his keynote address, Vice President, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), Dr Anupam Verma, emphasized that the modern world is facing enormous challenges to achieve food security. In the backdrop of increasing demand for food, dwindling natural resources and increasing biotic and abiotic stresses as a result of intensification of agriculture and climate change, the world has no option, but to accelerate utilization of the available and emerging technologies for improving world food production. He stressed that agriculture biotechnology is a powerful tool for addressing the emerging challenges, as already demonstrated by the fast adoption of such technologies in dealing with biotic and abiotic stresses. He advocated better coordination among various ministries including agriculture, health and environment.

More than two hundred participants from Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Iran, Japan, Kenya, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Tajikistan, and USA are participating in the Conference. The inaugural session also witnessed the release of Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) guidance documents, recently adopted by the Indian regulatory authorities to strengthen the ERA process.  This is the fourth Conference, with the first three Conferences being held in New Delhi, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.  SABC is organized on an annual basis in the South Asian region by ILSI Research Foundation, and Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL) under the South Asia Biosafety Programme.

The International society of biosafety research (ISBR) has supported a poster session and a lighting round for young researchers with awards for best posters in biosafety. 37 posters by participants from various countries have been put up for display.