ORGAN India launches organ & whole body donation directory

The directory has been launched as a part of an awareness campaign by the ORGAN India. With a click of a few buttons, anyone in India will have access to this information, which otherwise is difficult to obtain

New Delhi:  The Organ Receiving & Giving Awareness Network (ORGAN) India, has been strenuously contributing for the cause of organ and body donation. It has launched an online directory for body donation which is now live and will guide the general public exclusively regarding details of medical colleges facilitating voluntary body donation across every State in India.
The directory was launched by the Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Mr J P Nadda recently at Lady Hardinge Medical College. The ORGAN India is an initiative of the NGO, Parashar Foundation. Therefore, the trustees of Parashar Foundation, Mrs Kirti Parashar and Ms Anika Parashar, Chief Executive Officer of ORGAN India, Ms Sunayana Singh, and Special Consultant Ms Eeda Gujral Chopra were all present to launch the Directory.
In the past year, ORGAN India received a lot of calls on helplines from all over India from people who wanted to know where they could pledge their bodies for donation after their deaths. ORGAN India decided to create a similar Directory for body Donation to facilitate Body Donation in India. So for the past 6 months, data has been gathered from all States in India where body donation is possible.
The Directory is available on the website and any person in any state in India can go to the Directory, choose the state they want information for, choose the city in that state for which they want the information, and they will get a drop down menu of all Medical Institutions or NGO’s in their chosen city where they can pledge or donate their bodies – along with the names, phone numbers and email id’s of the exact people to call. It’s extremely simple to operate, it cuts down the time and effort it would take for any individual to get this information from a Medical Institution, and is easily available on the website. With a click of a few buttons, anyone in India will have access to this information, which otherwise is difficult to obtain.
It has taken the ORGAN India team months of extremely hard work – lots of phone calls, lots of waiting, lots of explaining – in order to create this directory. We hope that it will go a long way in helping to simplify the noble act of body donation for people across India, leading to many more bodies being available for donation. Please do spread the awareness about this directory in any way that you can so that everyone can know about this service that ORGAN India is providing.
The next of kin of body donors, registered body donors, and volunteers were also felicitated as a token of gratitude by the institute. LHMC also released an innovative publication titled ‘Tribute to a Silent Teacher – The Human Body’ which showcases short stories narrated by undergraduate medical students based on their interactions with Next of Kin of whole body donors associated with the department of Anatomy in the year 2016 – 2017. These are also compiled in the form of short documentaries which will serve to educate and inspire the society at large. This segment designed for students will train them in empathy & compassion as an essence in making of an Ideal Doctor who can provide treatment with kindness. The Module is first of its kind in India which can enhance skills of young doctors.