New Delhi: The union government has approved the creation of three posts of Directors in the pre-revised scale of Rs 80,000 (fixed) {plus NPA Ceiling limit 85000} for the three new AIIMS at Mangalagiri near Guntur in Andhra Pradesh, Kalyani in West Bengal and Nagpur in Maharashtra. The decision was given the green signal by the cabinet meeting chaired by the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi.
As per the AIIMS Act 1956 Amended vide AIIMS (Amendment) Act, 2012, there shall be a Chief Executive Officer of the Institute. He shall be designated as the Director of the Institute and shall be appointed by the Institute provided that the first Director of the Institute shall be appointed by the Central Government. The Director shall act as the Secretary to the Institute as well as the Governing Body and support proper functioning and governance of the three AIIMS.
The post will be immediately filled up following due procedures. The post of Director is in the pre-revised scale of Rs 80,000(fixed) {plus NPA Ceiling limit 85000}. The annual financial implication for each of the post of the Director will be around Rs 25 Lakhs, as per the 6th CPC.
Earlier the Union Finance Minister in his Budget speech for the Year 2014-15 had announced for setting up of four new AIIMS in Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.