TIGS to hold mosquito research workshop on 20-30 November

This workshop will provide the knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to mosquito-related research

New Delhi: Tata Institute for Genetics and Society (TIGS) is organizing a 3-day workshop on ‘Mosquitoes Up Close: Exploring Biology to practical techniques’. It will be held on 28 – 30 November 2023 at the TIGS campus in Bengaluru.
Those interested in mosquito research and how it can impact society can join for a transformative workshop to explore taxonomy, morphology, and rearing techniques of mosquitoes through a blend of lectures, hands-on activities, and interactive discussions.
This workshop will provide the knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to mosquito-related research.
The attendants could discover the pivotal role that mosquitoes play in ecosystems and their significant impact on public health, including their association with vector-borne diseases and the implementation of effective control measures.
This workshop is being organized only for Indian participants. The can be done online until October 15, 2023. In case of queries, one can write to insectary@tigs.res.in.
At the forefront of this battle lies the formidable challenge of disease transmission. Mosquitoes, often dismissed as mere nuisances, emerge as silent carriers of life-threatening diseases. Malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus — these are not just names in medical textbooks but harbingers of suffering for millions, particularly in tropical regions. The toll on human health is immeasurable, as communities bear the burden of diseases that not only claim lives but also disrupt the social and economic fabric.
The scientific community has been diligently unraveling the mysteries of mosquito biology, behavior, and ecology. Through meticulous research, scientists strive to decode the intricate mechanisms by which these insects become vectors of diseases. Such knowledge is the cornerstone for the development of targeted strategies, including the creation of vaccines and innovative vector control methods.