Aster DM Healthcare to provide 10,000 free medical investigations for the needy over the next 1 year in India

Entitled Aster FreeIn- Investigations for the needy, the initiative will address one of the main challenges faced by the underprivileged preventing accurate diagnosis and seeking the right treatment for a disease

New Delhi: On the occasion of Aster DM Healthcare’s 34th Foundation Day, the organization has announced to donate 10,000 medical investigations in the next 1 year across India and GCC. The initiative, to be run by Aster Volunteers, the CSR arm of the organization, tackles the immediate need faced by many patients, underprivileged or under financial distress, in accessing much-needed medical investigation which would help them seek proper diagnosis and accurate treatment, but are deterred by high costs.  This often leads to patients avoiding seeking the needed medical attention or late-stage diagnosis when the disease would have progressed to serious complications.
Speaking on the initiative Dr. Azad Moopen, Founder Chairman, and Managing Director of Aster DM Healthcare said, ‘‘We often come across many patients who require expensive investigations like CT Scans and MRIs for diagnosis of serious illnesses. Unfortunately, some of them are unable to carry out the investigations due to financial constraints. The sad part is that they could have been saved by a timely investigation with better treatment. This initiative will help such patients by providing high-end investigations free of cost through Aster Volunteers.’’ 
The medical investigations to be provided include MRI and CT Scan procedures. A detailed list of the medical investigations to be provided by Aster Hospitals in India and GCC can be found on Aster’s website along with the details of the application process. Any needy patient seeking to avail an investigation can reach out to the respective facility in each country and also apply on the website, along with supporting documents. At the same time, needy patients can be referred by doctors (internal & external), NGOs, support groups, medical colleges/ authorities to the nearest Aster unit offering free investigation in a particular country.